The food bank is looking for PB&J or canned veggies/fruit.
Queen of Hearts
Joyce Reed's table won the drawing and is responsible for putting up the banners and selling tickets this week. There are 5 cards left and the Queen is worth $1,828.
Schnitz Ale Soft Opening Tonight
Schnitz Ale Productions is hosting a soft opening of their new location in Strongsville at 20102 Progress Dr from 5-10pm tonight with a food truck and live music. They have supported StrongFest and were at the Chili Open last week. There will be Rotarians there at various times through the evening, so you are inviting to stop by and see what's new.
Meeting Recap
Tom O'Deens gave the invocation and led the pledge.
Grant Management Seminars
To be eligible for district matching grants we need at least two members to attend the grant management seminars every year. Amy Kocian has already attended, and there is one more session March 9th in the morning that Dustin Passalacqua will attend via Zoom. If anyone else is interested in attending please contact Amy or John Turnbull for registration details.
Four Way Speech Contest
The district speech contest will be held on April 6th, and our qualifier will be in two weeks, on March 15th. If you know any high school students who might be interested you can share this flyer with them.
Chili Open Setup
The majority of the meeting was devoted to a Chili Open walk through and putting final touches together. You can watch a quick 30 second walkthrough we did Friday at