Nov 10, 2023 7:25 AM
Military Exhibit at Historical Society
Nov 17, 2023
Foundation / Chili Open
Nov 24, 2023 7:25 AM
Happy Thanksgiving
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Queen of Hearts

Jamie Debenham's table won the table drawing  and are responsible for putting up the banners and selling tickets this week.  There are 19 cards left and the Queen is worth $1023.  Since the Queen is over $1,000 the take will be split 3 ways, with the winning ticket taking a third, and a chance to draw the queen.

Community Calendar

  • November 11 - Strongsville Education Foundation Casino Night
  • November 19 - Winter Wonderland


Maui Concert Update

The Strongsville Community Band put on a great concert last night, and collected over $2,500 which the Strongsville Rotary Foundation has agreed to match $2,000 and will be sent to Rotary organizations in Hawaii.
Upcoming Events
Rosewood Grill
Nov 12, 2023
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Chili Open Committee Meeting - Bennet's
Bennet's Pizza
Nov 15, 2023
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Foundation Board Meeting
Senior Center
Nov 16, 2023
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM
Winter Wonderland Hot Chocolate
Nov 19, 2023
3:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Chili Open Committee Meeting - Senior Center
Senior Center
Dec 01, 2023
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
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Strongsville Food Bank
Strongsville High School Interact Club
Boy Scout Troop 701
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Event Pages
Chili Open
Strongsville Duck Race
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Meeting Recap

Ravi Velu gave the invocation and led the pledge.


We had the seniors from the girls softball team visit us.  They finished 4th in their conference last year, and they have already started training to be ready to play in the spring.

New Member Bio

Hunter James gave his new member bio.  Hunter is a third generation Rotarian, his grandfather Dick James and father Bart James having been in the Rotary Club.  He is also an Eagle Scout.
Hunter started cutting grass and landscaping during high school.  He went to the University of Findlay for Environmental Safety and Occupational Health.  He graduated in 2020, the same year he added a concrete business, and then in 2023 added an automotive shop, which helps as he has 12-13 trucks, trailers and all the mowers and landscape equipment.
He is engaged, getting married very soon to a pharmacist at the Cleveland Clinic that he met at school.


  • Clambake: November 12th at Rosewood.
  • Winter Wonderland November 19th.  We will be serving hot chocolate and treats.  We will have a signup list at the meeting Friday, or you can signup on ClubRunner.
  • Senior Christmas Lunch will be December 1st, and Photos with Santa Dec 2nd.  Signups will be at the meeting tomorrow, and are also online.


Our speaker was Dr Ramasamy Sharma, a scholar of Sanatana Dharma, which is the real name of Hinduism.  The name Hindustan was given to the area by outsiders based on the Indus river.
The traditions date back to around 3000 BC and are based on the different paths people can take, and on the natural cycles and divisions of society, taking into account the general human goals, as well as the individual personality of each person.