Next week will be Food Bank Friday, with Ursula Kaunas as our speaker. Needs include tuna, PB&J, pasta sauce.
Queen of Hearts
John Turnbull won the drawing. They are responsible for setting up the week after Thanksgiving. There are 18 cards left in the deck and the Queen is worth $1,030.
Club Elections
Club elections are in two weeks. If you are interested in serving as a director or officer of the club let Barry Kuzmickas know. Directors serve a two-year term, and officers are a one-year term. If you have any questions ask Barry or any current board member.
Chili Open Social Media
In a bid to increase engagement on social media we would like to create some original content to post. Some ideas are favorite jokes that are (however tangentially) related to the Chili Open, silly golf swings, or any other entertaining content. Ideally these will all be video, and if you need help taking the video reach out to John Turnbull. If you have jokes and don't want to tell the joke on camera, send it in, and we'll have someone tell the joke. If you want to be on camera let John know as well.