April 9 2010 meeting
Posted by Ken McEntee
Getting started: Ron Andres gave the invocation to open the Strongsville Rotary's April 9 meetings. President Rev. Ron Mowry led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Guests included Dennis Drellishak, president and founder of Corporate Screening, Tom Osborn, Nelson Eubank of Cox Cable and Andrea McGee a 2009 Rotary Scholarship winner who is now attending Kent State university. Andrea was accompanied by her mother, Lori, and sister Allison.
Guests included Dennis Drellishak, president and founder of Corporate Screening, Tom Osborn, Nelson Eubank of Cox Cable and Andrea McGee a 2009 Rotary Scholarship winner who is now attending Kent State university. Andrea was accompanied by her mother, Lori, and sister Allison.